Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry Christmas!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
A busy December 9th!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mr. Pickle is coming to town....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Gobble Gobble!!
I am thankful for good health that enables me to have a good family life that is full of love that was led to the example of my parents' love to having friends who tolerate me - PHEW!
Would also like to add that I am very blessed in having two LSS support my creativity and addiction to this wonderful thing called scrapbooking! Thank you to Frozen Memories and to Cherish Scrapbooking for having the confidence in me to share and expand "the passion" to others!
This year for Thanksgiving is the first in many years that we will not be hosting a huge group of people. It will be an intimate party of just US! I am looking forward to it...been a little busier than usual. Matter of fact, I just finished a Christmas class project this afternoon for Frozen Memories...I hope that some of you will join us. Please look below for pics of the sample (ribbon is missing on the tags...had to get them from the store).
This the back of the Bazzill accordian album (the words "HOLIDAY") with Quickutz die cuts to accent and the top is the accordian holder decorated with a paper weave technique with the words "JOY" in chipboard letters.
And the pictures above are what we'll be doing for the mini album. I used DaisyD's Christmas line from last year but I just love how it turned out. Not sure what we'll be using for the class but Becky is trying to get these papers in as it is still popular. Currently FM will be offering this class on Saturday, Dec. 2nd from 10am to NOON. Still trying to find an evening that we can offer this class as well. Will keep you all posted!
......Well, it's now Thanksgiving evening....an update! The dinner went well without pressure and at my own pace. Had dinner and cleaned up the kitchen before 7pm! A first! LOL!!! It was nice to have the family sit down at the same time and at the same table. Had a nice conversation with the boys and a lot of laughs too! Always a good time! Here's a picture we try to do with the timer on my NIKON...
So what is your favorite part of a Turkey dinner? Mine was sitting down and eating it! LOL!! Actually, it's the laughter...kids say the darnest things! LOL!! Hope you and your family have/had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Happy 14th Wedding Anniversary!
So the next day (the 8th), Hosho and I spent some time hiking in the forest preserves by Silver Lakes in the Wheaton/Warrenville area....it was the day that the temps were around the high 60s. I have never been in this part of the reserves (it's off of Mack Rd., west of Winfield Rd.). Here are some pics I took along the way:

It was a great and relaxing day...peaceful until 3:30pm (when the boys come rushing in)!! LOL!!
So happy anniversary, Hosho - xoxoxo! Doesn't seem like 14 years - wow, time flies!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Harvest Crop 2006
Julie did a WONDERFUL job organizing this crop and I believe everyone had a good time! Thanks to all who attended and those who helped to make this event a success! Hope that many more folks will join us for the next one! Just to give you an idea of what a good time is, here's some pictures!

Scrappers hard at work!

The lunchtime crowd!

MargieH with Quickutz Guru, JulieB!

Our dessert, ice cream cake! YUMMY!!!
I do have to say that Tony did a GREAT job on the turkey dinner....I went back twice with heaping helpings of EVERYTHING! Thanks, Tony!
OK....off to bed! Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
First big news is that we're selling our house. NO!!!! Not because of the flood but we thought it would be best to look to the future. We have a couple of options that we're looking at: 1. invest in a townhome property near or in the Japanese community here in Chicago (we would live there for a few years and then we rent it out to a Japanese family for rental income); and 2. really buckle down and do some serious work at the church by renovating the minister's resident and live there. Still mix feelings about it but we need to think about our future (i.e. where we need to eventually retire = Japan? and financially be even stronger). Don't get me wrong, we are living comfortable but I'd rather we stash away $$ for our "mature" years - LOL!!!
We'll see, it's a VERY soft market and I don't expect us to move anytime soon. BUT we did get a nibble...the buyer is crunching numbers as we speak! Not even on the market for a full week and we get an "interested" party! YIKES! Even my wonderful realtor was surprised! LOL!!
SOOOoooooo.....HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! I'm going to the youngest's elementary school for the Halloween parade and party. Looking forward to it since my middle schooler doesn't have that kind of event anymore...sniff, sniff! Guess I better get the outdoor decorations out! LOL!!
Another happening...I started classes at Cherish Scrapbooking in South Naperville! So excited! Did a basic scrapbooking class (SB101) with two students last Sunday afternoon. Very relaxing, intimate and FUN! We did all sorts of technique and they went home happy to do their first layout and I was there to help! LOVE IT!!! Here's the layout we're doing in my SB101 class...

My next class at Cherish will be Nov. 10 (Fri, 10am to NOON) and Nov. 18 (Sat, 10am to NOON) that I think would be TONS of fun! We'll be using a round chipboard album from Rusty Pickle, lots of ribbons from American Crafts, trying out the new Ranger Ink's dabbers that everyone has been raving about, patterned papers from DaisyD's latest Christmas release and again, doing some cool techniques to put an awesome album together! Are you up for the challenge?! LOL! If you're interested, call and have some fun!! Here's a pic of the completed album called "Joy of Christmas Past..."

Now another favorite LSS is Frozen Memories! Did you hear about their 14-hour crop this Saturday (Nov 4, 10am to MIDNIGHT)?! It's sounds like a wonderful day...wanna come? You'll need to sign up REAL QUICK...I think they may have 1 or 2 spots open! So if you're free, call and come join us!!! You get lunch, snacks/drinks and a TURKEY dinner all for only $25!!!! I sound like a commercial but how can you bet this price! LMBO!! I'd pay but I'm working at the crop - LOL!!! So who's coming?!
Also needed to get some fall pictures since the Chicago area is going through some funky weather...most of October has been below normal temps and the leaves were disappearing! AH~! I had to bribe the guys into Frozen Memories' homemade ice cream for them to cooperate - UGH! So here are pics of Chicago's fall!

AH~brotherhood! LOL!!!

OK...so this is what I get for the milk shake later! LOL!! Here's hoping that they will continue to let me take their pictures (minus the bribes! LOL)!!
Have a wonderful halloween and hope that everyone makes their rounds safely!!!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A flooded basement....

We had a HUGE storm come through the Chicago area (biggest one since 1996) and the power went out...the rain kept pouring...and no sump pump moving...and no backup battery pump!!! OY! First time "flood victims" and we're not liking it! LOL!!
We had about 1-2 feet of water. I woke up and started cleaning from 5:30am. Got the boys dressed, fed and out to school in between. Went to the store and bought a mop and about 50 garbage bags...thank goodness it was garbage day - our only bright light that day! He took about 15 extra bags out for us - love Waste Mgm't! LOL!! I think I bagged a total about 30-35 bags of wet stuff!
Thank goodness for GOOD neighbors! I will not reveal my life saver's name because I KNOW he will get phone calls!!! LMBO! He came to our rescue when we found out that you couldn't simply dry the water heaters and light the pilot light! What were we thinking? LOL!! They were only 2 years old - yes, they! We have two water heaters because we have a big house and a HUGE bathtub that we use everyday. Being Japanese, bath is a major part of our routine :0) Well after two hours, both my DH and our handy friend were able to salvage both heaters and the furnace! PHEW!!!!!!!!!!! Saved us THOUSANDS of $$$$$$$$! Thanks again Mr. R!!!! We definitely owe you (and the Mrs.) a wonderful SUSHI dinner!!!
Yesterday, we lucked out...had a wonderful company come out at 7AM to take out everything in the basement and haul it out of here!! If you're in the Chicago area and you need stuff hauled out, call Metropolitan Clean-Out & Haul-Away Services (in Elmhurst but they go all over/630-359-4285). The guys were great, efficient and reasonable!!!
So after the guys left, I went to mop the floors but couldn't finish in an afternoon so back down I go today! Wish me luck! LOL!! Oh and after this is done, my shopping trip will include a trip to Home Depot and a purchase of a new backup pump! Ya think?! LOL!!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
On a personal note, I want to thank those who have been praying for us that we FINALLY hear word from my DH's new company...we've been waiting for several months (talk about pins & needles). But I'm lucky to have a DH who always have a backup plan and a steady mental will! LOL!!
My challenge was to submit to yet another design team (DT) call and didn't do so well! Oh, well! Life goes on, right?! LOL!! But the positive thing about these calls is I do get pages done! So I thought I'd share some of my submissions to you all...what do you think?

This was an altered CD of my son's first day of middle school...I followed him to the bus stop (to his great dismay - LMBO!!!) and took these pics. This is before I put pages on the CD and then strung them on Stemma ribbon.

Stemma had these great word PP and I used "Family" for our family vacation page. This particular one is of Mt. Rushmore. The journaling tag is tucked behind the picture of the "boys" which I inked the edges and doodled on the corner. The photo corners were painted with Ranger Ink's new paint dabbers....now that is a MUST HAVE item!!!!!!!!! LOVE their stuff but this one is definitely a best seller!!!

These pictures are of the cousins hanging out at Cantigny Park (Wheaton, IL) during the 4th of July picnic. LOVE this place....so peaceful! I cut parts of another Stemma paper and used it on the pretty blue Stemma PP. Popped a couple of the flowers out with foam dots...never thought to have flower accents to the boys' layout! Heehee!!!
I have classes going on at Frozen Memories (FM) this month! One of them is this Saturday AM (kids are also welcome!) and it's a Halloween theme! We're going to be decorating a bronze color pail so that you can fill it up with goodies! It's very cute! I hope the store uploads the picture sometime in the next couple of days! I plea senior moment! I forgot to take a picture....maybe when I go today, I'll bring my camera! So here's my schedule:
Saturday, Oct 7
10:30am to NOON
Halloween Pail Class
$25 w/ apple cider
Sunday, Oct 22
2:00pm to 6:00pm
"SUNDAE" crop
$12 w/ ice cream float
Saturday, Oct 28
10:30am to NOON
Altered Canvas Panel Easel
So give the nice people at Frozen Memories a call (630-830-7492) and reserve your spot! Would LOVE it if you can join us!
OH!! FM will be having their first BIG crop...they're renting out the space next door (it hasn't been leased out yet) and it's called the Harvest Crop! You have to come....it' s only $25!!! If I wasn't working, I would pay!!! LOL!!! It will be a 14 hour crop with food & drinks, prizes, challenges, etc. and dinner is a TURKEY dinner! YUMMMmmmm!!! So mark your calendar and come on over! I saw some of the prizes on Saturday....let me say, it's VERY nice! Heehee!! No more hints!
Well, it's going to be in the 80s here in Chicago so I'm making the best of it! So make the best out of your day too!! Have a good one!!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Well, had a blast @ Fiona's crop (aka FUNscraps) a week ago!
I taught two classes on Saturday and from the feedback of the survey, it went over well. Considering most really aren't into altered art stuff!
The first class consisted of an old/promo. CD, you had to sand lightly so that you have "teeth" to use your wet adhesive with and cover with pattern paper (front & back). I had them use the CROPaDILE, a tool that sets eyelets and punches holes out of most anything (light metal, chipboard, plastic, paper, etc.). They were thrilled how easy it was to punch through the CD....me too! Heehee!!
The second class consisted of folding a 12x12 cardstock in various ways to make a card or a mini album (by adhering two of these 12x12 together) or a journal/photo foldout in your page.
It was great to meet fellow ILScrappers in person - we were in stiches Friday night...thanks to our security guard (Mark)!!! He actually purchased Creative Memories photo paper in the past but kept insisting that he should be able to purchase at the same price as several years ago?! Poor Fiona...she kindly explained the thinking behind inflation, etc. The rest of us had to bite our lips, trying not to laugh!!! OY! It was interesting to say the least!
Here's some fun pics from the event!!

FINALLY a picture of Fiona and me!! After two years of knowing each other, we have a picture of just us two! LOL!!

Some of buds from ILScrappers! Hey, gals!
If you're thinking of doing a crop/gathering....DO IT! You won't be sorry!! LOL!!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Funscraps Retreat!
I'll be teaching a couple of mini-classes...altered CD and an ORIGAMI style mini album. Hope everyone will like it! The goodie bags are HUGE btw! We've got a Mary Kay person coming to manicure/pedicure and she also has a basket full of goodies for everyone. Can you say SPOILED?!
Better get kitting, packing for an overnite with the girls, pack/price my TLC stuff and bring up my Sizzix stash for everyone to use! AH! I hope Fiona isn't reading this! Heehee!!!
Will post pics when I return and recover from this weekend!
Have a great weekend, everyone! Who's got plans to scrap?! Do tell!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Memories of 5 years ago...
I was taking my two boys to IKUEI Japanese international school. It was a straight shot north from West New York, NJ (Jacobs Ferry) to Englewood Cliffs, NJ...driving along the coast of NJ where the Hudson River was east of me...after I dropped off my happy little guys, I drove back the same route. I had the radio on and that was when I first heard that there was a plane that crashed into one of the towers. The radio announcer didn't have much information as it just happened and speculated that maybe the pilot had a heart attack. I turned off the radio, thinking what a way to die and was anyone hurt in the building and down on the ground!
I stopped by Target in Edgewater but no one was in the store...not even an employee! I spotted one coming in from the back door/the dock area and that's when he informed me that the crash was not an accident but a terrorist attack. I went straight to the Japanese supermarket to get food (since it was the holiday weekend, we had no food) and saw what everyone was talking about on TV. My DH called me and told me he was on the ferry headed towards the Wall Street area but the Port Authority would not let them into New York so he was on his way home. Thank goodness...he had clients at the Towers and would pop in to say hello to them every once in awhile. Luckily he had such a bad conversation with the Tokyo office that he went into work later that morning. He saw the second plane hit the Towers while he was on the ferry....he couldn't believe what was happening (like the rest of the world)!
I got home with bags full of groceries and we headed off to get the boys...the 20 minute drive took over an hour as the George Washington Bridge (GWB) was closed off (inbound to NYC). We finally reached the school and the kids were told that there was a HUGE fire in NYC and everything was closed. Our trip back home only took the normal 20 minutes because the police were worried about the GWBridge and we had taken the back road. I found out later that they closed our street (we live between the Lincoln & Holland tunnels and the GWBridge) after we got home. All the fathers from the "IKUEI families" were safe...although it took them until 1 or 2am to get home.
We saw the smoke and what was left of the Towers from our neighborhood. When the winds shifted, we could smell that terrible smell and we were forced to close our windows. I am left with this empty hole in the NYC skyline...I've known that skyline all my life. When I graduated from university, I had celebrated my graduation with family friends in the Windows of the World Restaurant. I stayed at the Vista Hotel in the Tower on my business trips to American Express headquarters across the street, walked through to get places in the neighborhood. It will be sorely missed. I pray for all those who have perished and to those who were left behind to morn their loss. Hug your loved ones tighter tonight as I will with mine.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Around this time A LOT of things start...not only school but my sorority alumnae chapter gets back into gear and of course, church activities are a constant (thank goodness!).
How was your Labor Day weekend? Good, I hope...ours this year was quite which I like! We did have a get together with DH's band after Saturday Japanese School. But most of the weekend I was creating some designs for a small company based out in Central IL...they were kind enough to let me create! We'll see what happens....after seeing my "freehanded" doodling, they may have some second thoughts! LOL!!!!
I'm also creating some samples for my LSS, Frozen Memories, in Bartlett IL. With Karen Foster's RubOns and their license plate stickers, I made this REAL cute sweet pail and I filled it with Reese's Peanut Butter cups = YUM!!!!!!!!
Here's the lineup for September (so far):
SUNDAE crop ($12 w/ an ice cream float)
Sept. 10 (Sun) 2:00 - 6:00pm
It's a great time to do a mother-daughter crop or with a friend or just to catch up on projects!
Altered 2007 Planner ($22)
Sept. 26 (Tue) 10:30 - NOON
We'll be using a "butt ugly" planner and making it into a BEAUTIFUL planner!
That's it for now but call Frozen Memories and join us! Their number is 630-830-7492 or here
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
A 4th Grader...
Both boys started school (well, half day) yesterday and both felt GOOD about their school year...they should! It's only half day yesterday! LOL!!! Of course, mom was with camera in tow but both were too tired to argue! Heehee!!

OK...I'm up physically but don't ask me questions that will make me think! Taka walking out our front walk.

OK...mom, hurry up and take the picture! Oops....the bus is a little farther than I thought! LOL! See the headlights....that's Bus #3! Heehee!!

WAH! There goes my MIDDLE SCHOOLer! He had a wonderful day yesterday...keep it up!
I went to school with my youngest....now that kid is hard to take a picture of! GRRrrrr!!! This is the only decent one!

And this one of his new 4th grade teacher! I heard she's strict and I like it that way! LOL!!

AH! Another school year is starting! I'm hoping for a good one!
So....who's starting school too?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
AH....middle school!
BUT it was fine....well, except that he taken 20 mins to get his combination locker open! GRRrrrr...I bought a combination lock to practice on a couple of weeks earlier. He had gotten that opened after the 8th try so I ASSUMED that he won't have any problems with the real deal! HA! I was wrong! Got most of his stuff in the locker (VERY narrow!)...need a couple more things now that he knows which "team" he'll be on. Going to classes by himself?! NO PROBLEM! Me?! OMGosh!!! I got lost...had to follow him to all his classes! He gets it...me? Well, let say I'm glad I don't attend school anymore! LOL!!

Let's say that I'm SO glad that his school picture will be better than this one! UGH! A boy that was TOTALLY embarrassed that his parent had brought a camera to school! Heehee!
Now to wait until next Tuesday (1/2 day) for school to start! I get my life back but I'm going to miss these little guys hanging around me all day!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
"Back To Basics"

Another one will be scheduled for Tues, Aug 15th from 6:30pm and the theme will be either pets or kid's art work! Here's what I have on the pet theme (still working on the kid's artwork page)...

It's been a full week of busy and school hasn't even started yet! LOL! Kids have archery class, I had an SB class, DH had to put final touches on a business plan, a sudden death and funeral to arrange and a dozen wedding tri-folders to get done before Saturday noon (had to go to the post office to priority mail before close of day). I finally got an idea that would fit the customer's needs and made a final mockup by Wednesday so I only had 3 days to complete! YIKES! Each took about 30-45 minutes to make as everything was made out of scratch and handcut. One folder would need about 3.5 sheets of paper and 1.5 sheet of chipboard (all 12x12 size!). I used up one bottle of 3M/Scotch liquid glue, 4 spools of ribbon and made good use out of my newest tool, the Score-It board. So glad I took the plunge and purchased this (w/ A's 25% coupon!)...made my life easier doing this project! Here's what they look like - I hope the client likes it!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
CHA Summer Bash challenge!

"Triple Trouble" - what can I say?! LOL! Every time these guys are together, they're up to something! My DH had no idea I took this picture of them doing snow angels from our balcony. Just love seeing them together and HAPPY!
PP - GinX & CS - Bazzill
CB Letters - Pressed Petal & RubOns - Junkitz
Ribbon, Snow Eyelet & Brad - Making Memories
Snow Sticker - Target & Pen - ZIG Photo Signature & Adhesive - Pioneer

This picture is when I opened up the accordian card full of pictures and comments....LOL!!
Thanks again GinX and Pressed Petal for kindly donating such fun stuff in our goodie bags!!!! Thanks for looking!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Frozen Memories!!
I started with a kids' class using Flair's class kit (Paradise mini tag album) - too cute! The class sold out and had to make an extra kit-to-go! LOL! Was a little nervous about not having enough attendees but Becky (the owner) did a wonderful job selling the class!

Oh! Do I look like I know what I'm doing?! LOL!
LOVE my CROP-A-DILE!! Had to cut through 20 pieces of chipboard! OY!
For my local scrappers who have kids, come join me in this month!! Also, there are classes for adults too...heehee! Here's the schedule:
August 5 (Sat) 5-8pm
Kids' Crop $10 with sm. soft serve
Bring pics, supplies and basic tools (paper trimmer, scissors, adhesive, black marker & pencil) to catch up on your scrapbooking or get individual advice on a layout, card or project. Surprise make'n take in store for the night!
August 9 (Wed) 6:30-8:30pm
"Back To Basics" $12
Bring or purchase basic tools kit (please refer to the above). Get to know your tools...are you using them correctly? Bring 8-10 pictures and let's do a vacation themed page!
August 12 (Sat) 11-NOON
Kids' Class $10 with sm. soft serve
"Back To School" name plate
August 13 (Sun) 2-6pm
"Sundae" Crop $12 with ice cream float
August 15 (Tue) 6:30-8:30pm
"Back To Basics" $12
Bring or purchase basic tools kit. Get to know your tools...are you using them correctly? Bring 8-10 pictures and let's do a kid or pet themed page!
August 26 (Sat) 11-12:30pm
Kids' Class $12 with sm. soft serve
"Back To School" page
August 30 (Wed) 11:30-1:00pm
Kit of the Month $18
Baby Theme
Every Friday night from 6-10pm is CROP NIGHT!
$15 per table so gather up your friends! The price also includes a small cappuccino creation or a small ice cream cone (your choice)!
The "Sundae" crop sounds real YUMMY! Who wants to join me?! I need to get some stuff done too...I'm always needing to get stuff done! LOL!!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
CHA - Part 4

OK...The show was amazing! This year was a little different as in the new exhibitors zone was not there! I always like to check out the new/up&coming companies and learn a few things...they were mixed in with the rest of the gang and they had little sign in their booth that says "new exhibitor." UGH!
Well, it seems to me the homecoming queen of the show was a new company called Imaginisce (imagine + reminisce = imaginisce). They're based out of UT, done a lot of research on trends and came out with some great stuff IMHO! They had an array of stuff that I want....papers, embellies, rub-ons, charms.....http://www.imaginisce.com/

Here's my friend, TracyF, who was lucky enough to work there but she worked HARD...there were so many people wanting to buy these product lines! YIKES!

Granted we were there for all 3 days and on Sunday, towards the end of the show, we finally got a hold of her when she wasn't busy to take a group shot! OY! My GF, FionaR, TracyF & me...love the background - Shut Uuuuuuuuup! LOL!!

I also went to visit one of my favorite lines...Rusty Pickle! The owner was out and about - LanceA and what a sweetie! Took a pic of some of their creations...great job!

Also went by another fav, GinX, and here's the designer herself (GingerR)! Those ladies are so talented and SO funny! Hey, ladies! Thanks for a FUN chat!!

Have you ever seen TammyT's work?! Oh, my! You all are missing out! She's on design teams (DTs) for several paper manufacturers. I believe she taught or will be teaching on the Big Picture online classes (Stacy Julian's big project). Thanks, Tammy!!

Recess by Carson-Dellosa! Thank you for being one of our sponsors for National Scrapbooking Assoc. (NSA)!!! Hi, Heather! Those frames look AWESOME btw!!

Thanks to Robin Beam of Ranger Inks for using LaserLine's Plain Jane product to use as a sample of those AWESOME acrylic paint dabbers! It was so nice to meet you!! Good luck on your surgery!!

Grabbing her on the way back to Ranger's booth is NJScrappers' Jen Starr...last time I saw her was at my farewell crop in NJ back in June 2004! It was good to see you, Jen, although VERY short! Maybe next time, huh! Congrats on being the DT coordinator for Ranger!

Here's Fiona doing her own kind of distressing on LaserLine's products! LOL!!

And here's the craft diva herself....Miss Carol Duvall! She made me get into crafts! LOL!! I have been watching since her time on the morning TV show "HOME Show" and then her show on HGTV. I remember Tim Holtz being on her show during the holidays and he was showing how to put ink into those glass ornaments! LOL!!

So those are some of my highlights of the weekend. I'm sure you'll see some layouts from all the goodies I had received from the 2Peas event, a treasure hunt that (mostly) Fiona and I went on, some designers were kind to let me take a stash to play with and some who did not want to pack up. THANK YOU to those who were kind enough to take time to say hello and chat awhile! xoxo