A "TOOT" for me as I went to peek at the home page, my 8x8 album cover is the featured project! YEAH!!! It's one of my favorite designs...I was able to incorporate my chipboard designs from LaserLine to make it happen! So thanks Spaark for loving it as much as I do!
Last Sunday, my family and I joined the Japan American Society's event at Brookfield Zoo. The day was warm but not overly hot. The event consisted a tour of the Lemur Monkey and a private dinner on the zoo grounds. The boys had fun but I think they're getting too old? for this place?! Ah, pre-teens....what to do with them! LOL!!
This is what greeted us at the south gate entrance of the zoo.
The Lemur monkeys (they're sisters) hanging around.
The baby polar bear having some fun while parents are sleeping! LOL!!
The black bear doing the back stroke....he was HUGE!
Oh! If you have any ideas on what kinds of events pre-teen boys would be interested, please do share! LOL!!!