Well, today is a special day for a young man I know! Heehee! It's my youngest son's 9th birthday and is very proud of himself for reaching this goal! Here's a LOVELY picture of him with his Tiramisu (sp?) birthday cake that his daddy went to two bakeries to find.

Happy birthday, "little" Hiro!
Well, it is snowing tonight and we're supposed to get between 2" to 8"....boy, that's a wide range so your guess is as good as mine! We'll see by 5:30am when I wake up to make the boys' breakfast and box lunches for their Saturday Japanese school. Tomorrow the kids will draw numbers to see whose mother will be the class mother for next year and they call it "volunteering"?! - more like forced volunteer! They have 800+ total student body and they can't find anyone to volunteer as class mom?! Each class has about 25 to 30 students. The school has grade levels from kindergarten to high school. If they do that with the American local school district, can you imagine what kind of rutkus (sp?) that would cause?! LOL! Sooooo I am NOT looking forward to this so call lottery...the higher the number, the better! Keeping my fingers crossed all day tomorrow!
OK...gotta go to bed!
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