I want to THANK EVERYONE for participating. So nice to meet new friends and touch base with friends xo Stay tuned as I will be doing giveaways throughout the year - a new blog goal for me in 2017 (wink wink).
So without further adieu, the two winners of my prizes (and a surprise winner) are.....
Winner of PRIZE #1 is:
Celeste Goff said...
Happy new year! Beautiful projects!
9:51 AM
and Winner of PRIZE #2 is:
Heather said...
Wow, what a fabulous collection of projects. Your interests and talents are so varied! I seem to be a follower of your blog already, yeay! Thanks for the chance to win such a fabulous prize! Would love to win either one!
And because I'm over 200 followers (YAY!!), I am picking out another winner of a small mystery package to celebrate!

I am a new follower of your blog. Love your work and fun style. Your 4th of July pup page cracks me up! Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful prizes - either would be great, but I am more of a stamper. Happy New Year.
4:13 PM
Congratulations, ladies!!!
Please send me your mailing address at mhiguchi AT comcast DOT com
Thanks all for playing!!