OK...I need to stop participating in swaps and get in gear with my homework which I barely scrape the surface (SHHHhh! Don't tell the JUNKITZ instructors...they're working so hard as this is their first CKU album track!)!!!!!
So this past Sunday, I was able to go to the Pre-CKU crop at Archivers in Bloomingdale, IL from 11am to 6pm. My friend, Miho, and I sat together! We made plans on what to bring (esp. FOOD! LOL!!) and how things are going to work out. I also had the chance to meet a fellow DT from JADs, Dalis! She just got into CKU through a transfer, got into the host hotel, just found out she was pregnant, won a prize at the crop and found ME! How lucky can one girl get in a month?! LOL!! Here are some pictures I took:

Some of the IL JUNKies...JulieG, Me & KellyP

This is the rolodex swap we did for the Chicago Far West CKUer's group. Mine is the "Mickey Mouse" one in the lower right corner...thanks, Dalis! HA!

...and this is my friend, Dalis, who hit "jackpot" in more ways than one :0)
During the weekend, my "little" brother, Dave, came into town from Tokyo! I felt kinda bad that I left on Sunday to go to the crop but I was looking forward to this and had paid months in advance. Well, he knows how crazy I am about scrapbooking so he went off and did some shopping & errands so it worked out! We went out to dinner after I got back from Archivers and had a great time! I love seeing my family! I'm hoping that my other brother and family will be coming out to see us in the summer! Just what I need FOUR crazy boys in the house...hmmm, CAMP anyone?! LOL!!
OK...off to bed!!!