I spent the day with the family by taking a walk (about 30-40 mins - our boys can only last so long! LOL!!) in a place where you can get some exercise and reflect on your thoughts. As the day was Memorial Day, I thought of my friends' spouses that are serving overseas and how their families are spending this day without them. Made me feel how lucky I am that I can spend the day with my family...it was a beautiful day in more ways than one!
Got to sleep in a little in the morning and in the late morning, we went off to Spring Valley Nature Center & Heritage Farm in Schaumburg for our walk. Of course, we had to "bribe" the boys into going by having a late lunch of RAMEN and bubble tea at MITSUWA's food court. You can only imagine how fast two boys can move to get in that car! LOL!!!
If you are ever in the Schaumburg IL area (aka Woodfield Mall), you'll have to make this one of your stops! I never went to the back of this place....there's a farm (duh!) and took some great pictures! I'll share some below:

Can't get over how tall my oldest DS is getting!

This statue is placed by the vistor's center and is such a sweet piece! Definitely one of my favorites!

Can you tell how excited my boys are to be walking in 80 degree weather?! LOL!!! "Deal with it!" HA!

One of the scenes before arriving to Heritage Farm :0)

Such a magnificant bird! Was gobbling all day long! LOL!!

I made a friend!

This is Heritage Farm's visitor's center.
It was a very nice way to spend a holiday and after a week's worth of cold weather too!
Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday weekend....hope that you also reflected a little about those who serve, served and sacrficed.