A couple of thank yous are in order...
First, to my friends - thank you for your good wishes for being selected to the
TaDa Creative Studios' design team! Can I just say "I'm so stinkin' excited?!" LOL!! Can't wait to get the first designer's package from them :0)
It arrived today!!!! My prize from my MayaRd/RangerInks guru,
Wendy Vecchi! I was about to leave to pickup my oldest DS from junior high and I hear the doorbell. The mail carrier was admiring the box - low & behold, Miss Wendy done some wonderful designing on my address! It was so beautiful that I opened the box from the bottom! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I think you'll agree it was the right choice!
And then I continued to open the package and I see this!

Isn't this the most beautiful thing you ever seen?! I had been admiring this item from her blog but NEVER expected this to be in MY home!
So Wendy if you're reading and you realized that you sent this by mistake...uhuh, IT'S MINE!!! TOUGH! LOL!!! The details of this piece is just incrediable and I LOVE crackle paint! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
And that wasn't enough, she included her BEAUTIFUL limited edition business card (she handmakes her business cards but not for long - you're going to be so popular, you'll need to have them printed - seriously!)!!! You see it resting against my (new) laptop! PLUS she sent me a flat blossom CB book, some awesome ribbons (colors that I don't have and including the scallop ric-rac & sheer ribbon) and the sheer People keychain - all of course from Maya Road! Thank you, Wendy!!! I cannot wait to meet you @ CHA-Summer!! But hopefully we can meet sooner ;0) xoxo