After a week of catch-up with family things like doctor appointments, estimates for household addition (i.e. deck) and a majority of follow-up emails completed, I can somewhat go back to a normal summer "routine." Well, I can wish! LOL!!
I had a such a wonderful time @ CHA-Summer in Rosemont's always great to touch base with "old" friends and a pleasure to meet new friends! If I had to room with TheresaT and NormaP again, I would do it in a heartbeat! Although we never met or communicated on a regular basis, I felt like we were on the same wave length. For some odd reason, I just wandered over to 2Peas In A Bucket's message board under "general scrapbooking" (I usually "hang out" at "The Pub" section) and saw Theresa's post on "ROOMIE WANTED" so I answered! LOL!! Both ladies were asked to help work at the Piggy Tales booth - CUTE STUFF!!! How lucky am I to meet such nice people!!! THANK YOU, Theresa & Norma for putting up with me!

This is us at our last CHA dinner together @ Gibson's = YUMMY!!
This is the first time that I worked a make'n take @ CHA that was all mine (my designs and at my hours)! YIKES! A little nervous but everyone was so nice and had a TON of fun! Hope that everyone can use it on their pages when they get home. This is what I designed and used as a MnT - they can be tied to the name badges as decor...

Can I just say (again and again...) THANK YOU to LaserLine! They are THE BEST! to work with....even with my crazy "out there" designs and sketches, they still wanna keep me! WOW! Big hugs to them for making my dreams come to a reality!!!!
To continue spreading the "love," I'd like to thank over & over again Ranger Ink's Robin Beam for always having spare paints for me to play with at these shows and for the great support! It took me 5 tries to get to their booth to thank her personally but she's so popular...who wouldn't want to hang with her! She's COOL!!! A big fan over here!
I found a new "love" in Tattered Angels! They were our neighbors @ CHA. They were kind enough to let us have some of their Glimmer Mist for our MnTs and let us borrow the heating gun (note to self - next show bring heat gun!!! LOL!!!)! THANK YOU !!! Great stuff - a spray form that covers an item with color and BLING! I think I'm addicted! LOL!!
OK...that's all I can post right now...I have about 6 boys in the house! did that happen?! LOL! AH! Love summer....22 more days till school starts! LOL!!