
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

FaveCrafts: Best Blogger 2015 Contest

Hey all! Starting from today until March 10 2015, FaveCrafts/Prime Publishing is hosting a Best Blogger Craft 2015 Contest for those of us who attended their Blogger Networking Event at the Winter CHA (Craft & Hobby Assoc.) Trade Show last month in Anaheim, CA.

I NEED YOUR HELP: if you like my project (and I hope you do! lol!), please VOTE for Margie Higuchi: Beautiful Moments Chalkboard Tray DIY Wall Decor. I hope you SHARE with friends and encourage them to join in on the fun - it would mean so much :) THANK YOU~!!

The contest was to use products from the sponsors (thank you!) to create project(s) that inspired you. I had one of those throw away silver trays which I picked out of the trash - someone spray painted a shinny black color in the center and I guess they didn't like it. BUT it spoke to ME! LOL!

At the CHA Bloggers Event, I met so many interesting bloggers in the industry as well as the fabulous manufacturers who were the sponsor of a generous swag BOX (thank goodness it was delivered - otherwise, need another suitcase!).

A couple of pictures taken at the event (I forgot my camera...GRRR!) but talented Maria Del Pinto let me share these pictures she took - thank you, Maria!

L to R: Sherry Cheever, Bunny Vance & ME!

ME & the fabulous Amy. from Fairfield World - LOVE her style!

Thank you always for stopping by my blog - don't forget to vote!
MargieH xo


  1. love this and of course you have my vote@!!! heading there now!

  2. I LOVE this! Good luck!


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