Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

Well, my selfish excuse to make a gift for my youngest's Japanese teacher is two folded...one obviously to thank Mrs. Nakagawa for putting up with somewhat talkative son (where did he get that trait from? heehee!!) and the other is an excuse to make a project with Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker llc products!

In case you haven't been following me too long, I also freelance at a Japanese scrapbook magazine called "Love My Memories." The editor, Emi Kume, had asked me to be its special U.S. reporter. How can I say no?! What an opportunity to work for such a dynamic person! She is credited for bringing scrapbooking to the fore front in Japan.

One of my first articles was about up and coming new companies in the scrapbook industry. Nikki was one of my choices! I blogged about it HERE. Anyways, I was thrilled when I found out that her company is part of the Cross Promotional Partners with Spellbinders™! So my first blog project after the DT Retreat was Nikki's Henry's Brillance Collection...perfect for the upcoming Teacher's Appreciation Week (this week!)!

It turned out so nicely! Can't wait to give this to her :) Have you done anything for your teachers? You have until the end of the week! Don't have time? Tell your child to go hug their teachers and say THANK YOU!! They'll love it!

Thank you, Mrs. Nakagawa, and all those teachers out there! Better you than me - can't even deal with two kids! LOL!!


Mona Pendleton said...

So darling Margie! I love the cork owl - so creative & that big juicy apple looks yummy! I am sure Mrs. Nakagawa will treasure this! My kids are in college so not celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week here :)

Chrissy (thescrapgirl) said...

super cool!!!

Julie Overby said...

This is just ADORABLE Margie!! What a fun idea!

Holly - Wild Wyoming Art Cafe' said...

Fabulous idea Margie! Love it!