
Friday, March 27, 2009

Bad Blogger! LOL!!

Sorry many things to do so little time, right?!

Well, I had to say good-bye to a couple of my favorite Japanese scrappers these past few sad. I know eventually they will all have to leave (DHs are on assignment overseas in Chicago for only a few years 3 to 5 years) but it is SAD... With the economy not doing so hot, there will be more. I know of at least one more leaving the end of next month and another one leaving in September...sign.


On a more cheerful note, I have been asked to join a great group of talented scrappers to be a part of an Ezine called Scrapbook News & Review (SNR)!!!! WHOOOHOOO!!

This is such an honor for me! I know some of these women from their HUGE TALENT shared on other scrapbooking venues. I am thrilled to join them….just hope that I can keep up with them (inserting YIKES!!).

So if you’re wanting to go “GREEN” and get all those paper magazines out of your scrap area, Scrapbook News & Review is for you!! The magazine is literally packed-full of inspiration and no advertising pages are overwhelming these issues! Come take a look for yourself HERE!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MS Crop 2009...

a crop that I have been going to since it started back in 2007. It is a crop that raises awareness and funds for Multiple Sclerosis.

The first year was held the first weekend I spent in my new home in Schaumburg...thank goodness I have an understanding husband! LOL!! Thinking I was going to meet a fellow scrapper, I ended up scrapping alone (her son being sick and couldn't make it at the last minute). But I got a lot of pages done! LOL!!

The second year, I had a lot of company :0) It was a fun time for me...don't ask how many pages I got done...heehee!!

This year, well...can I tell you I got spoiled?! Besides being late for the crop (my little guy's graduation which last 2 hours instead of 1!!!), dinner was already being served so I ate right away (no lunch or dinner so I was straving!!) and I had a massage scheduled! Boy, did I need one...sitting in the bleachers for two hours straight did a number on my back - thanks, Princesses!!

Yes, I was in the private crop room called the Princess Room = WOW!!! We had a lady-in-waiting (Chris), a sweet table, special goodie bags and notification on when the auction tables were about to be done. But the best part, I was with friends (but I missed my Princess Fiona!!!!) with tieras and pink T-shirts ("Princess CropALot") - heehee!!! AND we bid for the Princess Room at the auction table and WON!!! We were hovered over that table so that no one will outbid us! LOL!! When you're spoiled, have to go for it again :0)))

Pictured from left to right - ReneeN (bottom), MargieH, ChrisR, CJ and Mary BethT hovering over the Princess Room poster that was displayed on the Silent Auction Table.

Laura, my friend & crop organizer, what can I say! Another job well done...each year, it has gotten better and better. You are awesome - there's not enough words to describe what kind of person you are because you're all that and more!! I hope (& pray) that a cure will be discovered in the near future! Hugs to you!! xoxoxo

Sunday, March 08, 2009

A newly graduate!

My youngest son, the six grade graduate....from Saturday Japanese school!

The ceremony was yesterday amongst the rain drops, we managed to get an outdoor picture before it started to pour...boy, what a rainy weekend!

It was also the principal's last graduation ceremony. His 3-year assignment has ended and he (and his lovely family) will be returning to Tokyo. He will be sorely missed especially by my family...he was a fun & cool principal :0( We wish you well!!

Proud mom with her little graduate...Congratulations, Hiro!! xoxo

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


2月27日、「ラブメモ9号リリースパーティ in シカゴ!」はマージー・ヒグチの家 (Schaumburg IL)で無事に終了しました。寒いシカゴの冬の中でも約20人のスクラッパが参加しました。


家の中は焼きたてのカップケーキとコーヒーの匂いがいっぱでした。一個一個のカップケーキに"LoveMemo #9 ReleaseParty”とカップケーキのイメイジのスタンプを押した円いデーコレイションを付けました。皆さんがカップケーキとコーヒーをいただきながら、ラブメモの本にのってるテックニク、「これをやってみたい、あれもやってみたい」のお話しを聞こえます。
